Thursday, September 23, 2010

Students should have the choice to pick the subjects they need for their future

Students should be given a choice with their subjects, concerning the ones needed to get them into the course they want, and the ones they have to do in order to gain an ATAR. If students know what job they want to do, then the school should help them find out what courses they will need to do and the subjects they need to study. For example, if I wanted to become a Quantity Surveyor, I would need to have well developed Maths skills i.e. 2C/D or higher and developed English skills i.e. 2A/B or higher. So I should be given the choice whether I want to just study Maths and English or do 4 or more TEE subjects to get an ATAR.

If the student wanted to do that course and have that job in the future then that student would get higher grades in those subjects, if they had this choice, because they could allocate more time towards them. If that student just has to do Maths and English then they will have a lower work load and can focus on getting the best results they can get. If the student is unsure of the pathway they want to take then they can do 4 or more TEE subjects to get an ATAR to go to university. Most non-TEE students will not be affected by this system at all.

If this system was to be implemented to schools across Australia, for year 11 and 12 students, then the students that choose to take part in it will have a far greater chance of achieving their needed marks to get into the course at university and have a better chance of getting the job they want to do as they would be better qualified as they have spent more time studying subjects specifically for that job.

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