Thursday, September 23, 2010

Effectiveness of the techniques used in Capitalism: A Love Story

Bec McKemmish
Michael Moore’s use of techniques in Capitalism: A Love Story has a great effect on the readers. His use of humour, montages and music draw the viewers in to watch the documentary and his use of selection of detail and interviews help viewers to understand the purpose of the documentary.
Throughout the documentary Michael Moore uses various sections of humour to draw the viewers in, he uses basic humour like a clip of the internet of a cat flushing the toilet and a song and video clip mocking Cleveland. He also does various stunts which amuse his audience, like the citizens arrest at a big bank. The use of humour in Capitalism: A Love Story is used to draws viewers in so they don’t loose focus among all the facts and statistics. Music and the use of video montages like the montage of hold ups and robberies also help to keep viewers interest in the documentary while presenting the idea that Americans are so despite they will do almost anything to get some money. These techniques are very effective in keeping the viewers interested in the movie so they can obtain the overall message of the documentary.
Michael Moore’s selection of detail, and interviews help to get the message of the film across to the audience. When Moore is trying to make his point about the workers of the bank not knowing what a derivative is he only shows the people stumbling around words or admitting they don’t no, he doesn’t show anyone telling him what the meaning of the word is. This shows how Moore can manipulate his interviews to maintain his point of view to ensure his viewers get the message that he is putting across.
Over all in Michael Moore’s documentary Capitalism: A Love Story, he is able to effectively get his intended message across to his viewers by the use of the techniques, interviews, humour, music, montages and selection a detail.

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