Friday, February 5, 2010

Beyond the Ending - At Seventeen

By the time the youth reached the main road, he had no clues as to which way the girl was headed. He felt a moment of hesitation, before coming to a decision and heading south along the coast. The minutes stretched into hours, and still no sign of her, no sign of the girl who had saved his life not two days ago. He had almost lost hope in ever seeing her again, when something caught his eye from the beach side houses.

A flash of scarlet danced across his vision and he hammered his brakes, skidding to a halt onto the pavement in front of the large beach house. It was a few moments before he realised that he had been holding his breath in anticipation, before slowly exhaling to clear his thoughts. Another quick look around the house confirmed his hopes. The scarlet red, fibreglass board, the familiar bike side-by-side with a sand dusted car. It was her. There was no doubt in his mind as he walked to the door and knocked.

He saw her in the doorway, freshly washed hair framing her face, and all his words were lost. Her cool grey eyes scanned him head to toe, before resting on his own, piercing his very soul. Her features were questioning. Why was this young kid on her doorstep? What does he want? He met her gaze with a quiet intensity, willing himself to say what he was feeling. Tell her you want her. Tell her you need her. He felt his mouth move, struggling to express his feelings. "I was thinking, uh...maybe you might wanna, like, go surfing together sometime. If you not busy." He stammered his invitation, heart in his throat, hoping that she would accept.

Her cool eyes surveyed him once more before her expression softened somewhat. "Sorry kid, that ain't my style". Closing her eyes to his gaze, she closed the front door, leaving the youth alone once more.


  1. Love the description, and all the longing. The ending was sweet didnt see it coming.

  2. Hahah, I love that she is still in control in this ending. It fits really well with the idea that stories can transgress those social norms. Great to see the boy in that position of longing only to have it unfulfilled. A satisfying twist!
