Saturday, February 6, 2010

At Seventeen

The youth drove down the highway eyes open wide in their search for the elusive girl, the sun glared down on him partially obscuring his vision. driving for what seemes like hours but was in reality only minutes his resolve slowly faded. He was angry with himslef for not following he sooner. He stopped the car deciding enough was enough when he saw it over the tops of the shimmering mirages, there was a speck in the distance he accelerated and soon he had caught up.
As he drew alongside he looked into the lightly tinted driver's window and smiled. The girl smiled back, slowed down and stopped. He did the same, his old tires squeaked on the hot road. Opening his door he jumped down from the rusty wagon. He walked over to her window. "where are you heading?" She asked. "That depends", looking puzzled she said "depends on what?" He smiled and said "depends on where you're going".


  1. A satisfying ending Jack. We still don't know what the ultimate resolution will be so this fits well with the ending we are already given. The reader is in control of the ending here and can decide for themselves. But, we know the surfer's intentions.

  2. Aw love the ending. It links well with the story, and has some great description

  3. Great work in keeping with the "Youth" and the point of view, it flows on well with the story, especially when the sun is shining in his eyes.
