Thursday, February 4, 2010

"At Seventeen" Ending

He glanced at the track her car had left in the sandy edges of the road and although it was not the way he'd planned to go he swung his car around, and followes.

As he slowly drove away, he looked in his rearview mirror, he saw his beautiful waves disappear in the mirror, and the peace he was leaving behind. As he turned and followed the tracks onto the road, he new that what he was going after was bigger than any wave. On his own, he handled the roads with ease and searched with a hunger. Pulling into beachs, searching for that one surfer, always abandoning the beach and waves to continue his search.

He was just about to abandon his search, when on his way home he stops at his beach, hoping that she would be there waiting for him. He walks on to the beach and sees a figure out on a board with the sun setting behind the slim figure of a girl. He could feel her grey eyes on him seeping into his soul. He held his breath as he watched her as she begain to paddle, watched her surf as if it was a dance, with skill to catch anyones eye. Mesmerised in watching her, he didn't notice her standing in front of him smelling of the sea and smiling. He sees in her eyes freedom, like the sea he surfs in. He knows that he can love more than just his waves.


  1. "what he was going after was bigger than any wave" love it! Good job, Courtney.

  2. The way you have incorporated the beach and the waves to the story is really beautiful and it is really appropriate for the story. It is like a coming of age. He was in love with the ocean and now he has the girl and the love they both have for the ocean. I love it. Great ending
